Donnerstag, 23. September 2004

so meinten die zeit-weisen von 1954


text: "scientists from the RAND Corporation have created this model to illustrate how a home computer could look like in the year 2004. However the needed technology will not be economically feasible for the average home. Also the scientists readily admit that the computer will require not yet invented technology to actually work, but 50 years from now scientific progress is expected to solve these problems. With teletype interface and the Fortran language, the computer will be easy to use and... "
weiter steht nix. Danke S.!
guitar - 23. Sep, 17:31

Voll und ganz eingetroffen - also unsere Computer hier im Büro sehen genauso aus...

Bernhard_H - 23. Sep, 18:02


am absolut geilsten finde ich die super Kurbeln dort!
vonHaubitz - 23. Sep, 18:52

als Lektüre empfehle ich:
Herman Kahn, Anthony J. Wiener "The Year 2000 A Framework of Speculation on the next 33 Years", erschienen 1967.
deutscher Titel: "Ihr werdet es erleben"
Das Buch beginnt wie folgt:
"Warum wollen wir in die Zukunft schauen? Wie mag die Welt wohl in den kommenden 3 Jahrzehnten aussehen? Sich darüber Gedanken zu machen ist durchaus sinnvoll."

heidilist - 24. Sep, 13:51

hoax - allert

oje, das schöne foto isn witz.

Monday, September 20, 2004
Update on the "Home Computer" picture: The photograph is apparently a Photoshopped hoax. Reader Mike Jaeger pointed out,

That is the control panel from an old naval nuclear reactor. On the far right is the EPCP (electric plant control panel) where the electrical operator on watch ("EO") controls power flows and breaker positions (notice the schematic laid out with switches for breakers). In the middle section is where the reactor operator ("RO") sits. He shims the control rods up and down in the reactor core with the lever (the L shaped lever just in front of the horizontal bar) and on the left is the throttleman station (usually manned by electricians). The large wheel is used to open/close ahead steam valves to the propusion shaft, while the smaller wheel is used to open/close back steam (astern throttles). The two wheels would be used in conjunction with each other to get the shaft to stop from a forward rotation, and then go in reverse (ahead steam is removed and astern steam applied to stop the shaft). The different gauges are specific to each station, with the throttleman concerned about power to steam flow ratios, steam pressures, etc. The RO cares about primary water avg. (coolant) temp, pressures, etc. The EO is watching vital bus voltages, and charging the battery with a trickle charge.

Thought you may like to know that (I used to sit on the far right, but on a newer version of that same panel)

danke d.

Rosinenkuchen - 24. Sep, 14:48

immer diese hoax spielverderber

darf man sich denn gar nicht mehr unaufgeklärt amüsieren oder echauffieren???
sicherlich haben die hoaxspielverderber zu silvester 2000 laut gerufen "achtung, achtung, sagt bloss nicht millenium, das beginnt nämlich erst 2001"....
ich hab noch eine lustige geschichte. in den fünfziger wurden männer danach befragt, wie sie denn meinen, dass sich die frau im jahre 2000 anziehen würde. der grossteil antwortete, dass sie meinen, die frauen da wohl alle nackt rumlaufen werden.

vonHaubitz - 24. Sep, 16:59

ach was, ich habs geglaubt

Du bist:

Du bist nicht angemeldet.

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